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  • Anglais,
8650 112 Avenue Northwest, Calgary AB T3R 0R5
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Calgary is a busy and fast-paced city. With everyone so connected to the world these days though phones, the Internet and social media, it can be hard to unplug and get back in touch with yourself. Since 2004, Christine Wold and the amazing staff at The Divine Mine have been giving Calgarians the chance to escape from their hectic lives.

“There are many different ways to relax,” Christine says. “It’s important to go with what you like and what feels comfortable. Don’t be pushed in any one direction.” Christine is a huge advocate for taking time to get to know one’s self, to detach yourself from the wide world and relax. “That’s the goal with our new Northside Divine Mine location,” Christine says. “To offer a space where you can come in, relax, listen to some music and flip through some books. It’s a very stress-free environment and we don’t even burn incense to do it.”

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