Chinook Country Law Office

Domaines de droit

  • Droit civil,
  • Droit collaboratif,
  • Droit familial,
C-1018 Hammond Ave, Crossfield AB T0M 0S0
Information utile

Évaluations et commentaires - Chinook Country Law Office

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  • Excellent
  • Très bien
  • Bien
  • Faible
  • Mauvais
  • Service:

Well you would expect a law office to keep there files in order, was asked to sign documents with other peoples name on them, and you would expect them to return emails.

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Clients Beware. Bad experience.

Why it was bad: - We were not greeted, and when we met the lawyer, he did not offer to shake our hands, he simply waved us to follow him. - When we went into his office, his first words uttered were profanities in response to finding something. - He took no time and care to explain the things I wanted explained, it seemed as though he simply had no time for us, or didn't care because we're a young couple. As a first time home buyer I was extremely disappointed in this. - THEN when disucssing prices, he laughed when we told him how much the quote was that we received. He didn't believe us. Luckily we had the emails to prove it. He did not honor his offices mistake and charged us more, which my fiance and I were not prepared for. He did come down a bit, but he should have honored our quote. - He also charged us $2,500 more on what we owed for our final downpayment on the house. We told him a few times, that his price and the closing price were different, and he assured us many times that the way he had worked out the money was right. When we called our mortgage broker, she confirmed he had charged us this much over. Never refering this man's services ever again. Very upset about this.

Service: 1/5
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