Skyline Real Estate Holdings Inc
255 Bold St, Hamilton ON L8P 1W1
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    Renters, beware -...

    Renters, beware - beware of two things: 1) Skyline - expensive rents - terrible buildings 2) this building is getting modernizations that are making it worse and worse - the new elevators are worst than the 30 year old elevators, you can hear the elevator noise in your unit no matter how far you are away 3) dirty hallways 4) roaches are making a comeback Skyline is a terrible expensive company - just got with any other company at the least -

    Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

    Réponse d'entreprise 17 juillet 2015

    Well goodness, we are approachable with any issue. I believe I may know the person who posted this due to what was stated but that is neither here nor there. I just find it sad when someone could easily come to any of us and discuss issues they felt were of major concern. We're very proactive with pest control (we do NOT have cockroaches) and enjoy providing good customer service here at Bold. Yes, we have had a lot of renovations to the entire building as we received it from the previous company in poor condition, no one said progress was easy, and certainly if you approach us, we could have seen if it was possible to lower the volume of the chimes in the elevator. If you don't come forth and express your concerns, how can we remedy what is not made known to us?

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