In Line K9's

Langues parlées

  • anglais,
1654 Fischer Hallman Rd, Kitchener ON N2R 0C6
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    Great job Erin!

    Dear Erin, Ever since you trained my golden retriever Chance, he's been great! He doesn't try to get up on the couch anymore, he now lays beside my feet, his walking has improved immensely since you trained him with your walking training now he walks beside me, sometimes I feel like I don't even need the lease, its nice not having Chance pulling on the lease anymore, and let me tell you it feels a whole lot better not feeling like my arm is going to pop out of its socket. He listens so well now I don't have to keep yelling his name or say "treats Chance!". He doesn't beg for food anymore, or run to the door barking when someone's at the door. I could go on for days! I think my favorite part of the whole experience was the one on one training and attention you gave him, he looked like he really enjoyed it and he learned so much! Also your flexibility really came in handy with juggling work and my daughters soccer practice/ games. All in all I would definitely recommend Erin for anyone who needs there dog trained, you will not only have a well trained dog but the best friend always wanted. Thanks a lot Erin! Amanda + Chance xo

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