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  • Anglais,
105 Roncesvalles Ave, Toronto ON M6R 2K9
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When Greg Pycherek took over as manager of Rowe Farms in Roncesvalles, it was a homecoming of sorts. The third generation Polish-Canadian butcher had already honed his skills as a chef, butcher and manager, working all across the globe. He then brought all those skills together to preside over his local meat mart.

The store has been a strong favourite on the Roncesvalles strip, which has seen a few butcher shops open and close in recent years. The Rowe Farms name carries a good deal of credibility across the city, but there’s no doubt that Roncesvalles has come to new life since Greg arrived. “I make it a mission to let people know that Greg is here to take care of you,” he says.

Greg knows the neighbourhood well. His family has resided here since the ’40s. However, he’s not complacent in his knowledge of the locals. He makes it his business to know his customers by name, as well as their food preferences. He is always handy with a tip or suggestion, and his clientele, in turn, trust his guidance.

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