66 Wellington St W, Toronto ON M5K 1K2 Itinéraire
Restaurant gastronomique, Continentale, Internationale, Française, Fusion, Restaurant avec service de réception, Restaurant avec salles privées, Restaurant avec terrasse, Restaurant avec bar
Venez savourer un délicieux repas chez Bymark. L'ambiance de cet établissement est branchée. Venez jouir du beau temps sur sa terrasse et profitez de service de réception et des sa... plus... Plus de texte
I loved the atmosphere. Will go back to have the tuna tartare. I had some beef thing on lettuce - it was incredibly bland and for desert I had the eclair which was stale and the cream was hardened. But the atmosphere is great and for Winterlicious they have a new menu so may check it out. Lire plus
692 Yonge St, Toronto ON M4Y 2A6 Itinéraire
Fusion, Indienne, Restaurant avec service de livraison, Plat à emporter
The Kathi Roll Express est un établissement accueillant. Ce lieu apprécié est ouvert en soirée tous les jours de la semaine. Vous pouvez vous y rendre facilement par vélo et transp... plus... Plus de texte
400 Bloor St W, Toronto ON M5S 1X5 Itinéraire
Café, Méditerranéenne, Latino-américaine, Fusion, Brunch, Moyen-orientale, Déjeuners, Grande carte des vins, Restaurant avec terrasse, Restaurant avec service de traiteur
Great service here. we had some special requests and they were attentive and responsive to our needs. very good experience. Lire plus
2537 Yonge St, Toronto ON M4P 2H9 Itinéraire
Cuisine canadienne, Cuisine américaine, Restaurant accessible en fauteuil roulant
Venez savourer un agréable repas chez North 44 Restaurant. L'accès est facile par transport en commun. Ils sont établis dans un secteur ou l'on retrouve de nombreux parcs, magasins... plus... Plus de texte
Reservations were made 6 weeks ago as most restaurants are fully booked near Valentine's Day. However, North 44 was 1/2 filled. Our coats were quickly taken, we were quickly escorted to our table which had wide comfortable upholstered chairs. The service was very good for the exception that our server was very soft spoken and I had to ask him to repeat the specials 3 times. I guess the noise level in the restaurant didn't help much. North 44 has some nasty acoustics going on. It was soooo loud inside - people talking over each other, etc. Definitely not a place I would want to go to for a romantic dinner. On to the food. Appetizers ordered were the Soup of the day, Lobster Bisque with 'blah..blah..blah" (couldn't hear the waiter), Quebec Foie Gras with other stuff that sounded like a lot on the menu but actually looked like a stamp on the plate. $24.95 for a teeny sampling? Well, as small as the serving was, the taste was really good, as was the texture. And I don't like anything with a ducky/goosey this dish was surprisingly quite good to me. The lobster bisque had bisque foam on the top that tasted like lobster water (yuck). The bisque was seasoned perfectly for me and had a hint of cinnamon. The slices of seared? lobster (?) inside the soup was a nice surprise. The serving size was generous... probably too generous for such a rich tasting soup. Entrees ordered were seared BC halibut in banana leaf. It arrived with a side of barely warm basmati rice. Also ordered was the braised beef short rib 'rubbed with spiced cocoa rub & served with soft polenta. The halibat was unwrapped at the table. It looked impressive enough until you looked closely and noticed the whole top of the halibut was covered in slivers of fresh ginger. The fish tasted like ginger and not much else. As if that wasn't bad enough, the halibut was overdone. Severely overdone. The basmati rice was bland and tasteless...and cold. The waiter, when informed, replaced the halibut dish with a quick cook entree of grilled Ahi Tuna - which was grilled perfectly and had good flavours, albeit, again, portion size was extremely small for $42.95. The braised beef rib dinner was what I found most disconcerting. When the plate was brought over, I thought they had brought me another appetizer. The serving was that small! I would put the meat portion at 4 oz (maybe) . It sat in the middle of a pool of creamy polenta that was as soupy as cream of wheat. tasted good. I didn't detect any of the 'spiced cocoa rub' flavour in the meat, but the dish did taste good and probably would have tasted better if there was more of it and maybe a few sprigs of string beans or some kind of veg. 2 'sauteed' strips of red bell pepper does not count as veg. For dessert we ordered the Chocolate Bomb and Kashmiri Chai Brulee. Dessert was disgustingly sweet but was also well balanced with the tart fruit coulis spread across the plates. The only alcoholic beverage ordered was a Lipstick Martini or Martini Lipstick. It was okay. I don't know if my expectations were too high for this restaurant or if it's because I am a true foodie and a great cook that I expect that when I go out to eat in a restaurant the food will be better than what I can cook myself. I found only a part of that to be the case. If you can't cook good food at home and you do want good food to eat, then I would recommend North 44. But bring money. Lots of it cause their meals are not filling. If it weren't for the delicious black olive artisan bread and endless water refills, I would have gone home starving. Lire plus
3459 Bathurst St, North York ON M6A 2C5 Itinéraire
Japonaise, Décontractée
Venez savourer un délicieux repas chez Umami Sushi. Découvrez un menu incluant une variété de sushis, maki et sashimi à moins de 10 $ et venez profiter d'un ambiance décontractée. ... plus... Plus de texte

9.9 km

127 Jefferson Ave, Toronto ON M6K 3E4 Itinéraire
Pizzeria, Plat à emporter, Restaurant avec service de livraison
Venez déguster un délicieux repas chez Magic Oven. Magic Oven est ouvert tard tous les jours de la semaine. L'accès est facile par transport en commun, ainsi que par vélo. Venez dé... plus... Plus de texte
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Traiteur Station King Toronto ON

Que ce soit pour un repas de mariage à Station King Toronto ON, un apéritif dinatoire, un buffet froid ou l’emploi d’un chef à domicile, la qualité de la nourriture et la prestation offerte influeront sur l’expérience de vos invités. Bien choisir son service de traiteur est alors important.

5 conseils pour trouver un traiteur à Station King Toronto ON

Quand faire vos recherches

La date à laquelle vous devez choisir votre traiteur à Station King Toronto ON varie selon la taille de votre évènement. Il est conseillé d’avoir choisi son traiteur entre 5 et 8 mois avant la date de l’évènement, mais pensez à vous y prendre à l’avance lors des périodes plus achalandées telles que l’été ou pour Noël.

Ayez une idée du type de repas souhaité

Voulez-vous un repas assis, un cocktail dinatoire, un buffet, des plateaux repas ? Un traiteur italien, chinois, marocain? Sachez ce que vous voulez et assurez-vous que votre traiteur à Station King Toronto ON pourra combler vos attentes.

Demandez une dégustation

Un traiteur professionnel vous permettra de goûter aux plats de votre choix. Assurez-vous de demander une dégustation afin de juger de la qualité du travail.

Posez des questions

L’organisation d’un mariage ou d’une fête requiert, en plus de la qualité de la nourriture, une excellente présentation et un bon service. N’hésitez pas à poser toutes les questions en rapport avec l’organisation de votre évènement, à savoir ce qui est inclus dans la prestation, le nombre de serveurs, les horaires de service, etc.

Cherchez des références

Votre entourage a certainement déjà assisté à un évènement et pourront vous fournir des détails sur leur expérience. Demandez-leur qui était le traiteur et s’ils en ont un bon souvenir. Plusieurs sites proposent également des évaluations et commentaires qui vous aideront à faire votre choix.

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