There’s loving what you do and then there’s feeling like every day is Christmas and your birthday rolled into one. Darren Marshall and Lloyd Norquay, collaborative owners of magpie, describe the night before embarking on a quest for new and unusual antiques and decorative accessories as making them feel like giddy school kids all over again.
“When we’ve booked an appointment to view someone’s collection or estate,” Darren says, “we get so excited we can’t sleep the night before.” The excitement stems from many different aspects: the anticipation of meeting a new contact, the possibilities of discovering a rare or unique item for a valued client or the store’s inventory, and talking with people and learning the history behind their treasured possessions.
“Darren is the person to call when you want someone who will appreciate your collection,” Lloyd comments. “He will never buy anything we wouldn’t place in our own home or give to a friend as a gift. Quality and rarity are everything.”