Fresh Fruit Market
699 College St, Toronto ON M6G 1B9
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Residents and workers in the Little Italy area aren't short of options when it comes to indulging in fresh, tasty foods. One of the neighbourhood's latest additions, Fresh Fruit Market, carries some of the freshest fruits and vegetables around. In operation since May 2014, the small neighbourhood shop deals in fresh, seasonal fruits and veggies, but also has a good selection of dairy products, and a wide array of flowers and plants for sale on site.

Owning and operating such a store in Toronto's Little Italy was always an aspiration of owner Guoquang Liang, who oversees Fresh Fruit Market's daily operations alongside manager Yanling Liang He. “I love the proximity it entails with the neighbourhood, the customers and the people working around,” Yanling says when asked what she likes the most about her line of work.

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