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Closely related to the comfort and enjoyment of your home, you will also experience cost savings every single day throughout the extremes of our Canadian seasonal changes. Drafts, radiant heat loss, convection and conduction along with that intense and uncomfortable heat build-up from direct sunlight can all be dramatically improved with the unique properties … read more

For today’s Now World, very slim lines maximizing glass area with the highest ER ratings and the lowest U values in the industry.
You can achieve these values by customizing your glass options.

The 4 ¾ frame is engineered with structural support in all.. read more


What makes Hometech’s Contour Series so aesthetically appealing is their classic Georgian architectural proportions. These beautiful ratios can be traced back to the brilliant aesthetic principles of the ancient Greeks who were masters of both beauty and design.
With sculpted proportioned lines, the Contour Series window offers the sophisticated elegance of finely crafted wood windows. These contoured surfaces play with the available light, finding attractive accents while eliminating the harsh reflected glare of flat surfaced windows.
We took our look one step further with advanced glazing technology, eliminating the need for exposed and unattractive black or white rubber glazing strips, common to virtually all other vinyl windows. The result is clean and attractive lines that will enhance the appearance of you home.
Now you can have both great street-side curb appeal and amazing elegant finished looks from the inside. A new and higher standard in style is finally here in a high performance vinyl window.


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