Canadian Mennonite Magazine

Leading with care

In the 15 years he was the executive director of Community Justice Initiatives (CJI) in Kitchener, Ontario, Chris Cowie felt it was important to lead the organization with the same…
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How can we prevent bad employment endings in churches and charities, and what’s the path to healing when they occur?


Pastor reports amid violence in DR Congo
Speaking from his home in Bukavu, Democratic Republic o…
Sitting in the struggle
Tany Warkentin’s experience on a recent learning pilgri…
MCC opens cannery
Dylan Yantzi can’t wait to start canning. He is the new…
Maxwell Kennel and I often engaged in friendly theologi…


Readers Write: March 2025
Solar story missed the markI was looking forward to rea…
Secondary identities
The first identity of a follower of Jesus is “a followe…
Lifted by laughter
“Dad, would you rather give up coffee or potatoes for t…

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