ecoTraction is a green alternative to ice melters and road salt. It is an all-natural high-traction mineral and unlike salt, it is non-corrosive.
It is safe to touch and is the safest product available, safe for new and old concrete, asphalt, vegetation, pets and the environment.
One bag of ecoTraction can cover the same area as 9 equivalent bags of salt or ice melter, based on recommended spread
rates! And you’ll never repair your walkway or lawn from salt and ice melter damage again.
One cup covers 1 parking space, 9x more than salt
Immediate traction & effective until next snowfall
Works at much colder temperatures, down to -50C / -58F
When salt tracks inside, it corrodes everything – ecoTraction does not
Won’t damage walkways
Won’t harm pets or children
Won’t damage lawns, vegetation or soil
Won’t harm the environment
It has been a lifesaver and stopped me from falling on the Ice many a time. I purchase this product every year with out fail. Worked very well & I would definitely recommend.:)
Susan L. Smith, verified customer - Susan L. Smith, verified customer
I had new sidewalks put in this summer (2016) and was forced to find a way to deal with Pennsylvania's winter ice without melting products. This product caught my eye and I decided to give it a try. I am, so far, very impressed. Great traction, even on top of ice, and it is not tracking into the house much at all. It doesn't take much to get it done, either. I am thinking I might just permanently switch to EcoTraction as my go-to icy sidewalk product. I heartily recommend this product.
Thomas W. Parrish, verified customer - Thomas W. Parrish, verified customer
EcoTraction requires very little to do a great job. Doesn't damage your steps or the environment or your pets. Highly recommend it. We had a small glacier on our steps this winter from snow melting off the roof during the day and freezing on our steps overnight. Only EcoTraction made navigating the steps possible.
Sarah, verified customer - Sarah, verified customer
We have had LOTS and LOTS of snow these past two years, and also a ton of ice. Eco Traction really helps to give some much needed grit to some of those VERY slippery areas that we need to walk on in our driveway and walkway. Sometimes the ice melting crystals are just not enough!!
comfort counts, verified customer - comfort counts, verified customer
It provides traction on the ice without harming the environment. Also, sometimes its just too cold for the ice to melt. I just sprinkle this by my front door rather than stressing about de-icing and shoveling and exerting myself to break down the ice. No muss, no fuss!
Debbie in Lakelands, verified customer - Debbie in Lakelands, verified customer
I tried my conventional pet friendly ice melt first and that just left holes in the ice on the walkway and steps and I still slid every time I stepped. Then I sprinkled this and it was amazing - no slipping, no sliding! I'm just getting ready to order more.
P Larsen, verified customer - P Larsen, verified customer
This works really well for melting ice off of my wooden deck and preventing ice from forming on it. It doesn't bother my dogs' paws like salt or other ice melts do. It does not melt away like salt does, so you end up having to use less over time which saves money. Because of this, I sweep it off of the deck when the weather gets better. It does not harm any of my plants or grass. This stuff is wonderful.
K. Johns, verified customer - K. Johns, verified customer
Here in Reno, NV, we've had a terrific amount of snow, ice, and rain between Thanksgiving and New Year, with weeks of below freezing weather, so in desperation I ordered this along with an order for an ice melt product. Boy do I love this EcoTraction volcanic rock!. You don't have to wait for the ice melt to work, you can get immediate traction on the ice with this, and safely navigate going out for the morning paper. A boon to those of us older folk who worry about that one wrong slip. I recommend this to friends and family.
Johanna R. Crowley, verified customer - Johanna R. Crowley, verified customer
It has been a lifesaver and stopped me from falling on the Ice many a time. I purchase this product every year with out fail. Worked very well & I would definitely recommend.:)
Susan L. Smith, verified customer - Susan L. Smith, verified customer
I had new sidewalks put in this summer (2016) and was forced to find a way to deal with Pennsylvania's winter ice without melting products. This product caught my eye and I decided to give it a try. I am, so far, very impressed. Great traction, even on top of ice, and it is not tracking into the house much at all. It doesn't take much to get it done, either. I am thinking I might just permanently switch to EcoTraction as my go-to icy sidewalk product. I heartily recommend this product.
Thomas W. Parrish, verified customer - Thomas W. Parrish, verified customer