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DirectBuy is a savings club that guarantees our members the lowest prices on thousands of products & top brands for your home and lifestyle. Join us today!

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Why DirectBuy?

DirectBuy is a savings club that guarantees our members the lowest prices on hundreds of thousands of products & top brands for your home and lifestyle. Find something lower priced on the market? Our Savings Guarantee allows us to not just meet it, but beat it.

Kitchen & Bath Renovations

With our expert cabinet designers, we’ll help you bring your kitchen ideas to life and work with you every step of the way.

Quality Flooring Solutions

With thousands of incredible flooring choices and professionals on hand, we help you sort through the rest to find the best.

Furniture For Every Room

Your furniture defines your home, and the furniture pieces you select for your home will be a part of your life for years to come.

Member Exclusive Travel Deals

With DirectBuy Travel you will also have access to travel and lifestyle benefits – all at the guaranteed best value.

arrivia, Inc., d.b.a. DirectBuy Travel, is a Registered Seller of Travel in the following states:
California: CST 2066521-50; Washington: UBI 602 443 155 001 0001; Hawaii: TAR-5192; and Florida: ST29452.

DirectBuy In The Press

Quality Products From Brands You Trust

DirectBuy has the savings and selection you need to create the perfect home with the stylish, name-brand products you love.

Design Services

With your DirectBuy membership, you have access to various design services to help complete your projects with expert help from the comfort of your home. Whether you are simply choosing a new entertainment center or bedroom suite, remodeling your bathroom or living room, or updating your kitchen from the cabinets down, DirectBuy’s designers and decorators can help with every step of the process.

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Before & After Photos From Our Members

The amazing kitchen renovation pictured below is a perfect example of what can be done when you choose DirectBuy.

The Kemp family trusted DirectBuy’s team to design their kitchen and they couldn’t be happier with the results. Using one of our designers along with our project coordination services, the Kemp family was able to transform their kitchen into a wonderful space for the entire family to enjoy together. The before & after photos say it all.

The "Kemp" kitchen was a special project! Having to work with this member was a great experience! Mrs. Kemp's main objective was to have 2 islands, a place for all her baking needs and a sitting bench in the bay window! I was able to provide all of the above including giving Mrs. Kemp a more contemporary door style for the look she was trying to achieve. I was so thrilled in the end to see this amazing kitchen come together and the Kemp family couldn't be happier with the final product!


Whether you’re remodeling your kitchen, refurnishing your bedroom or creating a new look master bath, DirectBuy has the savings and selection you need to create the perfect home with the stylish, name-brand products you love.

Quality Services

DirectBuy members have access to concierge shopping services, on-staff designers and decorators, and coordination team to help with larger projects. We're here to help you find what you want, and to save money.

Guaranteed Savings

Members of DirectBuy purchase products directly from manufacturers and distributors using DirectBuy. The DirectBuy team works closely with our vendors to deliver to the best prices possible to our members.

30-days Risk Free

We are so confident that you will love your DirectBuy membership that we’re backing our promise of superior savings, selection and service with a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.