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7 strategies for high-energy eating

9 octobre 2015

Eating for optimal energy throughout the day breaks many of the "rules" people commonly believe including that carbohydrates are bad; snacking is a no-no and sugar is a good pick-me-up. These seven simple strategies will help put you on the right path towards a more energy-filled day.

7 strategies for high-energy eating

[Image credit: iStock.com/justsolove]

1. Remember to eat breakfast

This is the meal that sets you up for the day. It replenishes your body's energy supply after a night's fast and provides the energy needed to stay physically and mentally alert.

  • Breakfast enhances learning and physical performance. It is a critical meal for adults and children alike.
  • Without breakfast, your body is running on empty. Studies have shown that kids who eat breakfast concentrate better, are more creative and behave better; this applies to adults as well.

A good breakfast sets you up for a more productive day. Don't skip it!

2. Get enough iron-rich foods

Iron-deficiency anaemia is a common issue. Iron is essential for producing haemoglobin, the main component of red blood cells.

  • Haemoglobin carries oxygen to your body's cells where it is used to produce energy and perform essential metabolic functions.

If your iron stores are low, your red blood cells can't supply as much oxygen to the cells.

  • The consequences of iron deficiency are fatigue, low energy and difficulty in concentrating.
  • The best food sources are red meats, organ meats, iron-fortified cereal products and whole-grain or enriched breads, dried fruits, green leafy vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds and blackstrap molasses.

3. Focus on complex carbohydrates

Carbohydrates such as those found in bread, grains, cereals, fruits, vegetables and sweets are digested and end up as glucose, a simple sugar that is easily metabolized quickly.

  • Complex carbohydrates including those in whole-grain bread and cereals, lentils, legumes and other starchy vegetables are the fuel of choice since they are digested gradually and serve as a steady fuel supply for body and brain.

In addition, complex carbs provide many important vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals to keep your body well nourished.

4. Go easy on simple sugars

Although candy and sweets might give you a quick rise in energy, this is generally followed by a "crash" that leaves you even more tired than you were before.

  • Simple sugars don't provide extensive nutritive value and can potentially cause your blood sugar levels to spike.

5. Eat small meals throughout the day

Eating small meals and/or snacks throughout the day keeps your blood sugar steady.

  • A low blood sugar is one of the common causes of afternoon fatigue.
  • Smaller meals can also help stave off feelings of hunger. Snacks can be the same as small meals, so a sandwich, soup, cheese and crackers, mini pizzas, yogurt with fruit or a bean dip and vegetables all make the nutritional grade.

Just ensure you eat less at mealtime if you're snacking between meals.

6. Stay hydrated

Everyone needs at least six to eight glasses of fluid per day to be properly hydrated. If you exercise, you'll need more.

  • Water regulates your body temperature, transports nutrients to your body and carries waste away.

Fatigue is one symptom of mild dehydration. You could be mildly dehydrated without knowing.

  • You should get in the habit of consuming fluids regularly, even if you are not active.

Fluids can come from water, juice, sports drinks, lemonade, milk, soups or watery foods such as lettuce, cucumbers and fruit. Just be careful to limit your quantity of some beverages, such as juice, as they are also high in sugar.

7. Go easy on caffeine

The proper amount of sleep is vital for feeling energetic, not your morning cup of coffee.

  • Caffeine is a stimulant that competes with adenosine, a chemical that helps to induce slumber. That's why the more caffeine you drink, the less adenosine is available for making you drowsy, and the more your sleep will likely suffer.

Energy highs and lows throughout the day can be controlled by what you eat and when. By following these seven strategies, you'll avoid the pitfall of swings in your blood sugar levels that can affect mood and concentration.

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