If you're feeling depressed, speak with your doctor. There are more than 38 antidepressants available worldwide, and chances are that one will work for you. We'll teach you more about these and other medications.
9 octobre 2015
If you're feeling depressed, speak with your doctor. There are more than 38 antidepressants available worldwide, and chances are that one will work for you. We'll teach you more about these and other medications.
Doctors are getting much better at diagnosing and treating pain, so speak up if you're suffering. You might benefit from taking a tricyclic antidepressant not because you've got the blues, but because they've been found to take the edge off of neuropathy pain. Your doctor might also recommend an anticonvulsant drug such as gabapentin, pregabalin, or duloxetine, which can reduce pain from nerve damage.
Deciding to go on a new medication is a big decision that you and your doctor should discuss thoroughly. Do as much research as possible, and expect to try a few different medications before finding one that "clicks" for you. With so many options available, it's likely that one drug or another will significantly improve your symptoms.
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