A college education is expensive, so much so that many find themselves paying for their education for several years after graduation. The competition for scholarships is fierce, so do your homework and start your search for dollars early.
9 octobre 2015
A college education is expensive, so much so that many find themselves paying for their education for several years after graduation. The competition for scholarships is fierce, so do your homework and start your search for dollars early.
High marks are definitely an asset in the scholarship game, but plenty of awards look at more than just excelling in the classroom. Factors that can play a role include community service, leadership ability, innovation and even motives for pursuing a particular areas of study. Want an example? The Millennium Excellence Awards offer scholarships of $4,000 to $4,800 to well-rounded students, rather than those who shine only in the classroom.
High school guidance counsellors should be able to alert you to university entrance scholarships worth as much as $10,000 a year or more, but don't count on it. Sometimes they're asleep at the wheel so do your own research.
Those entrance scholarships may be the grand prize, and if you can get one, more power to you. But if not, don't despair. You can stack up cash with this secret gleaned from the most successful scholarship hunters: students can quickly accumulate a hefty educational nest egg by approaching less well known sources where the competition isn't so fierce. These are among them.
Every prospective college student on the planet knows to scour the Internet for scholarship dollars. Which means that there will be enormous competition for any scholarships you find there.
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