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4 morning routine tweaks to boost productivity

13 octobre 2015

There's no one morning routine that will make everyone productive. However, there are some ways to tweak it that'll help boost how much you accomplish each day. Here are four morning-routine tweaks for staying energized and focused from sunrise to sunset.

4 morning routine tweaks to boost productivity

[Photo credit: iStock.com/Geber86]

1. Maximize your best hours

Some people tend to perform better in the mornings and others moreso at night. If you're a morning person, make sure you use your morning hours to the maximum. That means:

  • Do everything that requires creativity, brain power, brainstorming and concentration first thing in the morning.
  • Don't bother with emails, phone calls, paying bills, cleaning the house or any other tasks that could be done just as well in the afternoon.

By using your energy wisely when it's at a peak and blocking out everything that doesn't truly matter for the next few hours you'll get much more done.

2. Get up and moving!

Establishing a few good morning habits, such as an exercise routine, sets the stage for a positive day.

  • Start your day with a glass of fresh water and launch into your morning workout.
  • Even just ten minutes of exercise in the morning will give you a long-lasting boost of energy.
  • Stretch and meditate for another ten minutes. Listen to your favourite song and take a cool shower.

Simple morning habits like these can help you start your day in the most dynamic and promising way.

3. Define three goals each day

Aim to achieve three things each day. Having goals is invigorating when we feel we have a greater purpose.

  • When you start your day, ask yourself what you would like to have accomplished by evenng and then keep your eyes on the prize all day, without losing focus. Don't allow for interruptions or distractions.

You can reward yourself by going to see a movie, calling a friend you haven't spoken to in a while, or enjoying a frozen yogurt treat. The "prize" needn't be big or expensive. It could be something you enjoy doing, like reading a favourite book.

  • This is a great way to be productive, remembering what's important and what can wait until later.
  • Without setting daily goals, it is very easy to lose track of where you're going, waste energy and lose motivation.

4. Start with a healthy breakfast

Although grabbing a quick coffee might seem like a good idea at a time, try to avoid it when you're in a hurry. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it helps to fuel your brain and body until it's time to go to bed.

To ensure a good breakfast

  • Start off with a green smoothie, a slice of toast, scrambled eggs, tomatoes and avocado.
  • Follow up with a cup of green tea with honey and a few pieces of fresh fruit, such as strawberries.
  • If you choose a high-fibre cereal instead of toast, the milk provides calcium and protein. You can also slice the strawberries into your cereal.

A healthy, balanced breakfast will ensure you offer your most productive self in everything you choose to do throughout the day.

To stay productive, energetic and motivated, you need to step back and look at the bigger picture instead of obsessing over the little things. The morning is the best time to do this, as this is when you're starting over new and with a clean slate: early morning is the time to reevaluate, plan ahead and set a solid base not only for the later hours, but the future.

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