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Travel and health tips for jet-lag and tinnitus

28 juillet 2015

Travel woes

When traveling, consider these tips to help combat the common challenges of jet-lag and tinnitus.

Travel and health tips for jet-lag and tinnitus

Beat jet-lag

Follow these tips and rest easy knowing you are ahead of the game.

  • Eat carbohydrates before bed when you arrive. Food such as pasta helps you to sleep.
  • Don't drink alcohol on the flight and avoid caffeine too. But drink lots of water while you're airborne.
  • If you're flying while it's night time at your destination, do all you can to sleep. Use an eyeshade and earplugs, and turn the cold air to high: a cooler temperature tells your body it's night.
  • When it's daylight where you're going, try to stay awake — in sunlight if you can.
  • Eat eggs for breakfast. The protein will help you through that first day in a new time zone.
  • Switch to local time as soon as you can if you're staying more than a day or two. Stay up till local bedtime, and don't take an afternoon nap.
  • Get some exercise: a swim, or jog in the hotel gym, will encourage natural sleep.

Enjoy your flight.

Deal with tinnitus

At some time in our life, many of us will experience mild tinnitus, a perception of buzzing or ringing in the ears when there's no external sound. If no underlying cause is found and treated, you can attempt these tips in your attempt to cope with it.

  • Don't worry. Anxiety is a major exacerbating factor. Join a support group — it helps to share your experience and to know you're not alone.
  • Keep occupied. It really helps if you can take your mind off it.
  • Use masking sound. In a quiet room, the brain will listen to random activity in the auditory pathway. Place a ticking clock in the room, or play some soft music, so the brain will filter out the unwanted buzzing or ringing.
  • At bedtime, try a "sound therapy system". This plays digital recordings of such soothing natural sounds as ocean waves and gentle rain, as you drift off to sleep.
  • Herbal remedies ginkgo biloba or lesser periwinkle may help in some cases.
  • Try a cup of fenugreek-seed tea morning, noon and night.
  • Avoid exposure to loud noises and the build-up of ear wax.

Consider  reflexology, acupuncture, acupressure or meditation. All have been known to help in some cases. But remember, these suggestions do not take the place of  professional medical attention .

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