
Langues parlées

  • Anglais,
6 Powell St, Vancouver BC V6A 1E7
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Heures d'ouverture *Horaire des Fêtes

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  • 26 $ à 60 $,

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It’s the kind of bar that feels like an insider’s secret even though it’s right in the heart of bustling Gastown, just across from the much-photographed Gassy Jack statue. The creation of Mark Brand and Josh Pape, two winners of the prestigious Vancouver Magazine Bartender of the Year award, The Diamond opened in June 2009. Climb the stairs to the century-old building and take a seat at the handsome wooden bar. By day the exposed brick room is flooded with natural light and by night it flickers in candlelight.

“We wanted it to be mostly about the classics, representing the most important cocktails that have built the culture of the craft that I love.” explains Josh. “Every proper city in the world has a great bar which starts with the basics to get people into the true craft of cocktails; drinks made with proper juices and spirits. We wanted to be that place in Vancouver.”

But don’t worry if you don’t know your Vieux Carré from a vodka tonic; as far as Josh is concerned it’s OK if people feel a little intimidated by the menu, “Embrace that!” he grins. “There might be a lot of words people don’t know but the staff know and it’s their job to explain and educate.” Once the tricky decision of what to drink has been made, pair that with something from the seasonally changing food menu which has been designed to compliment the beverages.

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