Détails et description

Type de restaurant

  • Restaurant gastronomique,
  • Lounge,

Type de cuisine

  • Continentale,


  • Pâtes,


  • Grande carte des vins,


  • Chic,
  • Décontractée,

Langues parlées

  • Anglais,
595 Hespeler Rd, Cambridge ON N1R 6J3
Information utile

Heures d'ouverture *Horaire des Fêtes

Vérifier avec le marchand


  • 11 $ à 25 $,

Modes de paiement:

Évaluations et commentaires - Blackshop Restaurants & Lounge

Quelle note donneriez-vous à cette entreprise?
  • Excellent
  • Très bien
  • Bien
  • Faible
  • Mauvais
  • Atmosphère:
  • Nourriture:
  • Service:

Up and down for consistency. They have a young...

Up and down for consistency. They have a young cooking staff that is allowed to venture out but they need a certain degree of oversight. An example I had was a trout fillet served with a dill pickle salsa over a smoked potatoe salad. An intriguing combination but one that did not work on any level and should not have been served. The dill pickle salsa was horribly salty and bitter, absolutley heaped on and overpowering,a bad concept. The smoked potatoe salad the same thing very bitter and unappealing. It sounded good but just wasn't, why bother with an idea that tastes so bad ? The trout was prepared ok but the dreaded salsa killed it . This dish should have been subjected to review by the head chef before being allowed on a menu. On the other hand some really creative and well prepared dishes have come out based on this same freedom to execute, a Skate Wing lunch dish comes to mind as well as the now defunct Chicken Livers in garlic cream with Fennel spiced Spaetzel. Overall , kind of hit and miss, the new menu has strayed into pretention with chic sounding items not living up to the billing, far from the sound basics exhibited some several months ago. Sort of like radio, you sometimes need to wade through a lot of garbage to get to some gems.

Atmosphère: 3/5
Nourriture: 3/5
Service: 3/5
Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

I went with my boyfriend, who had ordered the...

I went with my boyfriend, who had ordered the salmon, which came with a sauce not at all similar to the one the menu said would accompany it. It was almost like they tried to make a seafood dessert. My salad was drowning in sauce. But at least the resturant is nice. Food isn't anything special though.

Atmosphère: 5/5
Nourriture: 3/5
Service: 4/5
Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

We ordered oysters rockefeller as an...

We ordered oysters rockefeller as an appetizer.For the entree we had schnitzel and the seafood medley.The oysters were tasteless except for a LOT of salt.The schnitzel was just okay.The seafood was rather skimpy with 2 tough shrimp 2 mussels a very tiny amount of lobster(almost $40)The potatoes were very grainy.As some one else said they most likely were of the instant variety.The restaurant itself was attractive,modern with upscale ambiance.Our bill was $100.

Atmosphère: 5/5
Nourriture: 2/5
Service: 3/5
Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

every thing was great the atmosphere service that...

every thing was great the atmosphere service that was until the food came you would think paying 30 dollars per dish they would put some effort into it.. i don't think instant potatoes are a good idea.. maybe if thy hired a real chef instead of a group of high school kids thy just might make it worth the price.....

Atmosphère: 4/5
Nourriture: 2/5
Service: 4/5
Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

We had our staff Christmas Dinner at the...

We had our staff Christmas Dinner at the Blackshop. The pace of service, quality of food and the hospitallity were all excellent. I would recommend this restaurant to anyone!!!

Atmosphère: 5/5
Nourriture: 4/5
Service: 4/5
Vous êtes le proprio? Répondez ou Contactez PJ

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