G4-670 Matheson Blvd W, Mississauga ON L5R 3T2 Itinéraire
Heartland Town Centre, Grilladerie, New-yorkaise, Fusion, Continentale, Cuisine canadienne, Cuisine américaine, Restaurant avec bar, Réservation, Menu en ligne, Menu du midi, 5 à 7, Accueille les groupes, Grande carte des vins, Permis d'alcool
5860 Mavis Rd, Mississauga ON L5V 3B7 Itinéraire
Heartland Town Centre

0.4 km

Nando’s is a Portuguese-Mozambican restaurant that serves different types of foods such as Peri Peri Chicken, French Fries, Garlic Bread and much more! Nando’s is known for its Peri Peri sauce and people especially like it with their chicken! The restaurants are very clean. You can have a nice seat inside or a seat outside, either one is amazing! The tables shine and the restaurant floors are perfect. Nando’s is very clean especially even though they have so many customers a day! Usually our bill ends up being $50-100, but it is totally worth it because the food is delicious and filling. There is basically always a huge line to get a seat in Nandos! I remember once we had to sit outside and it was freezing but we had nowhere else to sit. I think maybe they should make more place for customers in the restaurant so we can get seats quickly. Its always a guilty pleasure to eat Nando’s. The food is delicious but it is so bad for your health! I think Nando’s can cut down some oil because I think they put way too much! I don’t blame them for having fattening food because it wouldn’t taste as well but I do think they use too much amounts of oil. Everytime I go to Nando’s we usually have to wait 5-20 minutes to get a seat. The food is absolutely delicious. Nando’s does not taste like most portuguese restaurants, it is way better. You can tell they take their time to make the food the best they can serve it as. Mainly the only reason I go to Nando’s is for the peri peri sauce! The waiters are very hardworking and friendly. They have a very nice attitude and serve you as your loyalty. You can tell they work hard because they sometimes sweat a little or run out of breath but they are absolutely amazing! The food is more expensive than it is worth. Like the food is on a great reasonable price but if you order chicken, you order fries, if you order fries you order garlic bread, if you order garlic bread you order a drink and so on. So overall you end up buying a lot of things and the payment is high. I'm not blaming them because we are the one who order that much food but maybe there could be like sales if you purchase 100$ or more you get 10% off or something like that. But whenever we have gone, they have never ran out of of any food or sauce etc. They are very prepared and rarely run out. Overall, I think Nando’s is an amazing place and even though it has some problems it is worth it. I think everyone should try Nando’s because it is a delicious and unique restaurant. I would rate Nando's 4/5. Nando’s has food like no other place and I would totally recommend it! I wish I could eat Nando’s for the rest of my life! Lire plus
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Restaurants à Heartland Town Centre Mississauga ON

On ne sait jamais à quoi s’attendre d’un nouveau restaurant. Est-ce que je vais m’amuser? Est-ce que la bouffe est bonne? Est-ce que le restaurant a une bonne réputation? Voici un petit guide qui mènera votre appétit à trouver les meilleurs restaurants  à Heartland Town Centre Mississauga ON.

Conseils pour trouver des restaurants à Heartland Town Centre Mississauga ON

  • Lire les critiques : consultez les critiques des restaurants sur le Web ou dans la section cuisine des journaux. Les critiques catégorisent les restaurants de votre région d’après les prix, le service et l’ambiance du restaurant. Les critiques ne veulent plaire à personne sauf à leur appétit.
  • Le concierge sait tout: pratique ce concierge d’hôtel quand on visite une nouvelle ville! Cette personne est en mesure de trouver les meilleurs restaurants, peu importe vos goûts ou votre budget. Le concierge peut aussi faire des réservations ou demander un service de livraison. 
  • Savoir à quoi s’attendre des restaurants : communiquez avec le restaurant avant de le fréquenter afin de connaître le menu si vous êtes allergiques à certains éléments ou si vous avez besoin d’une grande table. Ne gâchez pas votre soirée parce que vous avez oublié la chaise haute!
  • Parlez aux marchands : L’épicier et le boulanger vendent leurs produits aux restaurants du coin. Demandez leur opinion des restaurants et le genre de mets servis. Renseignez-vous aussi sur ceux qui offrent des mets pour emporter.
  • Le sens de l’aventure : Votre nez est le meilleur outil quand vous êtes à la recherche d’un nouveau restaurant local. Si le parfum d’un bon met vous attire, suivez cette bonne odeur jusqu’au nouveau restaurant. Si vous êtes toujours à la recherche d’un restaurant, il y a toujours la livraison à domicile classique de mets chinois ou de pizza qui fait sourire tout le monde. 
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