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22740 Dewdney Trunk Rd, Maple Ridge BC V2X 3K2
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Whether you’re fixing your bathroom or building a street-full of houses, Haney Builders’ Supplies has everything you need to get the job done.

The Maple Ridge home building supply outlet on Dewdney Trunk Road has been a fixture in Maple Ridge for decades and is owned by father-son team Robert and Tom Stinson.

Customers will find everything they need at Haney Builders to build a house including floors, lumber, moldings, paint, hardware, HVAC systems and landscaping supplies. They will also sell you the power tools to get the job done.

“We offer one-stop shopping for home construction,” Tom explains.

Builders can bring in their plans for a house and Haney Builders will figure out what material is needed to get it built. If you’re building a shed or a deck, Haney Builders can design it for you, get the supplies and suggest a builder.

The construction supply store is known for its competitive prices, good service and diversified selection, and they have good knowledgeable staff to help customers find everything they need, Tom says.

“That’s why people come back,” Tom adds. “We have customers coming here and saying it feels like one big family.”

To further diversify their offerings, Haney Builders decided to target the growing customer base that spends a lot of time cooking and opened the Kitchen Centre.

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