We've been visiting this restaurant for a couple...
We've been visiting this restaurant for a couple of years now and it used to be one of our favourite places to eat. That was when the owner was on premises, his wife was one of the waitresses, and his brother and co-owner was the main cook. The food was fantastic, and so was the service. Now the owners are rarely there and chaos often reigns. Tables are left dirty; our orders get lost and we have to remind the staff; there's a steady turn-over of staff; and worst of all - the food, while it's still pretty good (with the exception of the Pad Thai which is now below par), is no longer excellent. It's mainly remaining a popular spot because of it's previous reputation and our hope that things will improve. I suspect, though, that after starting out as one of the very best Vietnamese restaurants in Ottawa, they're happy just being mediocre, as long as the customers keep coming. The owners appear to be occupied elsewhere and when the boss is away . . .